• Nora Kamm - With Band

    • Nora KammSaxophone/Vocals
    • Eli FrotKeys/Vocals
    • Micheal NyentyDrums
    • Ranto RakotomalalaBass
    • Fabe Beaurel BambiPercussion/Vocals

    Nora Kamm - award-winning German saxophonist, flutist and singer - releases her first album as a leader in January 2023, entitled ONE.

    Working with many musicians of West African origins since her arrival Paris in 2018, Nora is driven by these influences and creates a unique mix between Jazz, Afro and Fusion music.

    With her first single ‘ONE’ she delivers a powerful message of unity and strength. Inspired by an ancient melody from Mali, Nora is renewing the tradition, with a fresh and unique saxophone sound that transcends the musical genres. « We are one » is a call to unite different cultures but also to connect the past to the present.

    As a powerful front-woman, she invites musicians from different musical and cultural backgrounds on her upcoming record, creating a sound that transcends the genres. Nguyên Lê on guitar, Paco Sery on drums/percussion, Cheick Diallo on kora and Salimata « Tina » Traoré on vocals are special guests on this album.

    photo: Franck Benedetto

  • Nora Kamm - Solo Project

    • Nora KammSaxophone/Vocals/Keyboard

    Nora Kamm recently introduced a new solo project - producing, mixing and programming her own music with ableton live. Live on stage Nora is sourrounded by her midi keyboard, saxophone, and effect pedals - in order to make the public vibrate and dance !

    A first video was released in collaboration with Mmaestro Musique Expérience in October 2023.

    New productions are continuously released - stay tuned.



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    © Nora Kamm 2025
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